Tri Star Medicals Limited

Call us on 0151 949 5141

Independent Premium standard Medico-Legal reports


Tri Star Medicals is a registered Medical Reporting Organisation (MRO) on the MedCo system.

MedCo has been introduced by the Ministry of Justice to facilitate the sourcing of medical reports in soft tissue injury claims brought under the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents.

The system went live on the 6th April 2015 and affects all Claimants who submit a Claim Notification Form (CNF) on or after this date.

In order to use the new MedCo portal, instructing parties must first register their interest with MedCo. Once registered, you can contact us to agree Terms & Conditions, and then you will be free to choose Tri Star Medicals whenever we appear in MedCo search.


  • Write off facility for failed cases – We understand that not all cases will succeed. We are therefore happy to provide some extra comfort to instructing solicitors by supporting them in the event of a case failing and offering a write off facility for such matters.
  • Nationwide expert database – Many of the higher volume medical agencies have a limited expert panel as it can be common practice to employ medical experts which brings with it the pressure to use their own preferred experts. This is not so at Tri Star Medicals as we will always ensure that we provide the best expert for the needs of the client and their case.
  • Experienced staff – Our team have a wealth of experience in the Medico-Legal industry. The majority of our staff have more than ten years’ experience working in the industry. It is doubtful that any other MRO could promise the same.
  • Proclaim / Eclipse Case Management System – We operate the Proclaim / Eclipse Case Management System, which provides us with direct import / export links with many of our existing clients own case management systems. The process is simple to set up between our respective IT Departments and is also compatible with most other leading legal software providers.
  • Management Information – We can provide a wide ranging suite of Management Information which can be tailored to meet the needs of the instructing solicitor. We actively choose not to operate a ‘one size fits all’ approach to the provision of management reports as many other Medico Legal providers may seem to do.


If Tri Star Medicals is chosen as the preferred MRO on MedCo, the portal will generate a ‘unique MedCo case ID’ which must then be given to us at the point of instruction, so that it can be referenced on the medical report itself. We will then make all the usual arrangements on behalf of the instructing solicitor and their client for a medical examination and obtain the report thereafter.

Contact instructions will be provided on the portal, but in the event that you are an existing client, then subject to you providing us with the MedCo case ID, you can continue to instruct us as you have always done.

If you wish to discuss any specific arrangements then please contact one of our experienced team who will be happy to assist.

© 2025 Tri-Star Medicals Ltd. Registered Office: Tri Star Medicals Limited, Stanley Grange, Ormskirk Road, Knowsley L34 4AR.

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